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ChangeSchool secures British Council catalyst grant for women leadership and empowerment program in Malaysia

ChangeSchool has been awarded the prestigious British Council Catalyst Grant to address emerging challenges in women leadership and empowerment within the Malaysian higher education landscape, in partnership with the University of Suffolk, UK, and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia. 50 women leaders from UiTM will be extensively trained in commercialisation, adoption, and market readiness initiatives, enabling them to effectively address market questions in grant applications and design products tailored to industry needs.

Key objectives of this programme are to expand the innovation, commercialisation, and translational research pipeline at UiTM, while integrating 4th Industrial Revolution skills into the university curriculum. This project aims to tackle systemic issues surrounding women leadership particularly focusing on empowering women academic researchers in STEM fields and seeks to equip them with innovative strategies to enhance their capabilities and facilitate future project applications.

UiTM, with its extensive network spanning 35 campuses and educating over 180,000 students, is poised to leverage the newly developed capabilities to cascade these essential skills to other researchers, thereby amplifying the university's innovation potential and research impact and contributing to Malaysia's advancement in research, innovation, and higher education.


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